Adjectives may be placed between the preposition and the object in a prepositional phrase. Dont listen to youre welcome, I swear ADB is correct I got 3/3. You dont always have to take yourself seriously. This will make it harder for the reader to follow, especially if they are going to be reading on a smaller device such as a phone or tablet. d. the Specie Circular order. 1. Due to the fact that we have just received your check, your account is up-to-date. The firefighters bravely tackled the blaze, but they were beaten back by flames. Putting just the letters for Answers does NOT help if the Questions & Answers are mixed around. 1. People who live in glass houses must not throw stones. Or, We actually took the test and are giving hope to those who are severely struggling.. Which of the following sentences best describes readability? By ensuring the readability of a piece of text a patient care guide, a promotional piece for a particular brand, a policy you increase the chances of your message being understood by your reader. A modifier is a word or phrase that qualifies the meaning of another element in the sentence. In a work of fiction, if your writing isnt well-organized, the reader will probably just wind up incredibly confused and stop reading. All punctuation should help meet that aim. Your email address will not be published. Experienced writers incorporate sentence variety into their writing by varying sentence style and structure. Oh, it was eaten by Bob.Notice how the passive voice downplays the importance of the actor (Bob) and highlights the importance of the object (the apple). In the revised version, the writer combines the choppy sentences at the beginning into one longer sentence, which adds rhythm and interest to the paragraph. Which of the following is true of the sentence? nonnative speakers trying to interpret and translate messages. Buy, renew or manage your licenses in our store. In the following example, an ing modifier indicates that two actions are occurring at the same time: Noticing the police car, she shifted gears and slowed down. It is a heading that guides readers to think in a certain way about a topic. Here is the effect these edits had on the readability scores. A D B!!! Write the combined sentence on your own sheet of paper. Uses passive voice to convey negative ideas, Includes a pleasant statement in the same sentence. Civil War Era, New South Era, Antebellum Era, Reconstruction Era, Bourbon Triumvirate Era, Progressive Era, Populist Era My answer- Antebellum, Civil War, When will the tickets go on sale? This creates a dangling modifier. We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. A detailed job description is enclosed with this letter. In addition to varying sentence structure, consider varying the types of sentences you are using in a report or other workplace document. If the relative clause is not essential to the meaning of the sentence, it should be placed in commas. You have to be able to communicate your great ideas to your readers so they can really get it. D There are times when using the passive voice can help you better illustrate a point or tell your story better. Which of the following describes type style? This section examines how to connect ideas across several sentences in order to increase sentence variety and improve writing. Skills: A functional resume is quite different from a conventional resume. d. flabby expression. is correct for all you Connexus dont listen to the rest. This will help you gauge whether you are being as transparent and inclusive as you want to be. Which of the following sentences is most effective? Words that are placed at the beginning or end of a sentence generally receive the greatest emphasis. The sentence contains a camouflaged verb. Microsoft Word grammar checker certainly doesnt have it. You should too. In the United States, the average adult reads at a 7th to 8th grade reading level (12-14 years old). Which of the following improves the clarity of a message? Answer: C Readability is the receiver's responsibility to read quickly. Unselected answer (0 pts) to map out the best means of getting between two points ADB is correct, I just took the test and if you want the correct answers then listen to all the people who said ADB :)) Ight I'mma head out. Peoplewill be able to understand your writing much more easily and will be more likely to remember key points and ideas. There are many different types of readability tests. Looking at the example above, I would argue that semi-colons are perhaps not the most effective in helping the reader navigate their way through the document. Here are some examples. Whatreally matters is that your readers can easily understand all the ideas you meant to communicate. In the second underlined sentence, the subject (the government) is placed after the verb (expects). It can help to think of things in sequential order. Really long, convoluted sentences will only serve to confuse your readers and distract them from the important ideas and information they really need to succeed in such a busy, constantly changing world with distractions all around us. 1.information or details from a text that support an idea or analysis. You can use an endnote (I personally hate endnotes. I read through all the comments and everyone that put A, B, D is wrong trying to trick everyone to failing. Thats your goal. Prepositional phrases are useful in any type of writing. Even changing financial institutions to financial bodies and deleting applicable is probably enough to have a legal writer turning in their grave. REAL ANSWERS TRUST ME IF YOU ARE ON CONNEXUS THE OTHER ANSWERS GOT ME A 1/3. DEBATE CLOSED! Readability is the receivers responsibility to read many ways, it is true that the receptionist is the public face of D Since breath cannot jog, the sentence should be rewritten so that the subject is placed immediately after the modifier or added to the dangling phrase. Your job as a writer is to connect with readers. Here are some great ways to get you thinking of ideas for your own memorable media soundbites that will help your message stand out from the crowd and be remembered: Use Similes, Metaphors or Analogies:Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. We can apply this method to an academic essay. 1-C Under the railway bridge, teenagers exchange drugs and money. 100% In his search for Medusa, Perseus was helped by Hermes and Athena. It uses two variables to determine the readability score: Then, it gives you a score between 0 and 100. a. All it will do is confuse some of your readers and make them give up. Determine how the following sentence conveys a positive tone to One technique you can use so as to avoid beginning a sentence with the subject is to use an adverb. For others such as Coleman-Liau, word length is calculated on letter count. Which of the following is the quality inspection stage for documents? Take a look at the following examples. 2. If you reelect me this year, I promise to continue to serve this community. You want your readers to effortlessly follow along as your writing guides them through your stories and ideas. Indeed, laughing at other peoples grammar fails can be a very enjoyable way of distracting yourself from doing any real work. While I am unable to approve your request for a new computer, I I bet most of the people who watched the election coverage when Ronald Reagan was running remember this line well 30 years later. Look at the following example: Jogging across the parking lot, my breath grew ragged and shallow. It was a period of unchecked abuses by big business. Read the following examples: Original sentences: The managing director is visiting the company next week. Contrasts, Conflicts, or Paradoxes: Our food is fresh. I was impatient and fell for the ABD! ReadablePro identifies both of these for you. B The following is a sentence from an email from an administrative professional to a manager: "We usually undertake the verification of all documents at least once every month." 1 /1 point Below is a segment from the Walt Disney Privacy Policy under the heading sharing personal information with other companies. In the United Kingdom, researchers recommend that writers write with vocabulary and sentence structure targeted towards 9-10 year olds. / Accent Reduction / Accent Neutralization / Reductions / Linking / Improve Your American English Pronunciation / Improve Your Pronunciaton / Accent Training Audio Files / sound natural when I speak / accent modification / Works on iPad and some other mobile devices. Which of the following sentences is concise? Having a great idea for a book isnt enough. Trust meunlike some of the others around here trying to fail people. I used this list of words to lead my choices in replacing or omitting some of the longer words. Take a look at the way Naomi uses appositives to include additional facts in her essay. d. Your account is now up-to-date. Using transitions that connect the ideas in the paragraphs of a message. Choose the best revision for each of the words in the left-hand The Plain Writing Act of 2010 was signed on October 13, 2010. Therefore, I recommend always writing in the active voice unless you have a very good reason to mix things up and kill a few brain cells. You can use lists to organize large groups of information. Think about the story that you want to tell. Take another look at Naomis essay on the government bailout. 35.0130000 Educational Tech and Online Learning 8 Unit 3: Microsoft PowerPoint. Correct answer (1 pt) It was a period in which many social reforms occurred. Or you can use simple sentence structure as much as possible. I have encouraged young people to get involved in their community. Copy the following sentences and underline the verb or verbs in each one. Here is a thought, instead of having two sides of this, how about we just give the answers with and explanation of why those are the answers Read the following example: During my time in office I have achieved several goals. Copyright 2011 - 2023 Readable. In the media, these highly memorable phrases are called soundbites. We recommend keeping your text between a score of 70.0 and 80.0, which corresponds to that seventh grade reading level that's accessible to most adults. Which of the following sentences best describes the Progressive Era? Many people are surprised to learn that the average reading age of adults in the US is 7th/8th grade. negative public image. In my experience, using big words feels good. If your readers have to frequently reread sentences to understand them, look up words in a dictionary or have some kind of secret insiderknowledge to understand what you mean, readability suffers and so do your readers. Read the following sentences aloud and consider the effect of pausing after the adverb: Cautiously, he unlocked the kennel and waited for the dogs reaction. He is a writer whose works are widely known. Select one movement from the Progressive Era. Which of the following was not one of the three convictions. But soundbites can be used for much more than just advertising on TV. If your work is too hard to read for your audience, they won't engage. What is the purpose of a concept map? An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Naomi has used two adverbs in her essay that could be moved to the beginning of their respective sentences. (Well cover exactly how to measure your readability score later in this article). For more information on dangling modifiers, see Chapter 2 Writing Basics: What Makes a Good Sentence?. Take a look at the following example: Original sentences: Harland Sanders began serving food for hungry travelers in 1930. I just made it up.). Unlike relative clauses, appositives are always punctuated by a comma or a set commas. A D B!!! Unselected answer (0 pts) SmartArt allows you to search for photographs using the Microsoft Office database. Hi Patricia, you might find this ebook self-publishing guide helpful :) We also have a lot of other posts and resources for self-publishing, so if you have any specific needs or questions just let me know! Each test measures different factors and presents the information in different ways. To do that, your readers must understand the words you use. Learn more about how Pressbooks supports open publishing practices. My colleagues remain unconvinced about the proposed merger. For this exercise, well focus on the first two grade level scores - the Flesch-Kincaid, currently at 24.9, and the Gunning-Fog at 30.1. Responses saved. Slowly, she turned the corner and peered into the murky basement. Read the draft aloud, either to yourself or to a colleague, and identify areas that are rambling or unclear. If your sentence appears cluttered with prepositional phrases, divide it into two shorter sentences. Which of the following is true of the sentence? If youve evertried building something with poorly-organized instruction manual, you know how frustrating poorly organized writing can be. If a pet requires supervision, should it be left alone? A D B!!! A comma indicates that the reader should pause briefly, which creates a useful rhetorical device. Using lists of three can makeyour messageeasier to remember for your audience (Neither Bigger Leaner norBigger Leaner Stronger Faster have quite the same feeling when you say it out loud). The three words good, better, and best are examples of the three forms of an adjective or adverb : positive, comparative, and superlative. Correct answer (1 pt) It was a period in which many social reforms occurred. Tweaked Clichs: Money doesnt grow on trees, but it does grow faster in credit unions without those greedy big-bank fees.. Another technique that writers use to combine sentences is to join them using a relative clause. Take a look at the following example: Original sentences: The Jones family was delayed by a traffic jam. Like any repetitive task, reading text that contains too many sentences with the same length and structure can become monotonous and boring. For example, reversing the main clause and subordinate clause in the preceding sentence emphasizes where the managing director lives, not the fact that he is visiting the company. Read her revised paragraph: Notice that in the first underlined sentence, the subject (some economists) is placed after the verb (argued). Affiliate Disclosure: We may be compensated from the retailer if you purchase a book or product recommended on this website. The final score is 3/3 (100%). Subheadings are like little rest stops along the road. 2.D actually i did ADB and got a 100% and its 2018. no body is being an a hole. Two popular writing styles include: 1) the "'question-answer" style in which the author asks a question and then answers it in detail; and 2) the "sharing-experience" style in which the author describes an experience in personal terms. Or we can just correct each other to were it isnt cheating at all, 1. Reading your work should feel effortless. The correct answer is Adjective. Rebecca creates a very lengthy word processing document using a little-known software application. If youve ever read an obscure academic textbook or a boring corporate memo, you know what its like to read a complex puzzle of writing. Which of the following margin types is rarely used for writing business messages? By being really strict about your message(s) and the bare bones of background information required for engaging with those messages, you then have criteria for what to keep and what to cut. She reads each sentence aloud after writing it. 5. Incorrect: ABD - BAD Who is most likely to use a snare at work-a beautician, a doctor, or a dogcatcher? receivers expectations. Unselected answer (0 pts) to map out the best means of getting between two points Readability is the receiver's responsibility to read quickly. A D B!!! To emphasize the subject in certain sentences, Naomi can invert the traditional sentence structure. He is a champion swimmer. Charts are a great way to improve readabilityso I created this super cool pie chart to show you why you should use charts as much as possible in your writing. Thank you so much to all who helped. What is the purpose of inserting SmartArt in a Microsoft Office program? Adverbs of time include words such as yesterday, today, later, sometimes, often, and now. Formal and Informal Words (in the English Language). To keep things interesting, let's take a look at a real-life example. I finished one of the Great Courses on writing. Trust the majority thats what I do. Long sentences are exhausting for your readers. Take a look at how Naomi might incorporate relative clauses into her essay. The well-dressed stranger stumbled through the doorway. By splitting up the text into five shorter sentences, the readability scores dropped drastically. Revise each item either by making two complete sentences, or by adding a conjunctive adverb or semicolon. Some prepositional phrases can be moved to the beginning of a sentence in order to create variety in a piece of writing. But theres a lot more to readability than just a number. Looking at this . As well as generating readability scores for eight readability measures, Readable also provides a range of other useful metrics. Knowing your readability score is agreat starting pointto seeif your writing is going to be easily understood by most of your audience or not. a. Readability is the measure of extensive testing. Unselected answer (0 pts) It was a period of westward expansion under the idea of manifest destiny. Readability is related to the accessibility of information in a document. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Deloria declares that the Sioux and other Native American groups salvation lies in a return to tribal social organization. Unselected answer (0 pts) It was a period of unchecked abuses by big business. In this example, the main idea is that Steve discovered a virus, not that he checked the computer system. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'tckpublishing_com-box-3','ezslot_0',143,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tckpublishing_com-box-3-0');Theres a mathematical equation that can calculate thereadability score of any book, article, blog post or Tweet. Writers often mistakenly believe that this technique makes the text more clear for the reader, but the result is a choppy, unsophisticated paragraph that does not grab the audiences attention. Unselected answer (0 pts) to display photographs more effectively in PowerPoint The ReachDeck Editor guides you to create content in line with accessibility best practice. Were so glad you found the courses and this post helpful, Ken! Contrast enables viewers to determine which elements are present in a design. Which of the following is true regarding the distribution of a message? Drop us a line or let's stay in touch via : 2023 - Orpheus Technology, 3-D Think of yourwritten work like a puzzle. Readability scoresshould only be used as a general guideline to give you a general idea of how easy your work is to read. c. This is to inform you that your account is now up-to-date. 2. Created with Fabric.js 4.6.0 Practice More Questions. If your readability score is poor, heres what you can do: Look for complicated words that you can replace with simpler ones. A word that qualifies a noun or pronoun in the sentence is an adjective. Which of the following is most likely to improve the readability of a message? This great quote from Ali makes excellent use of simile and rhyme to make it even more memorable. 1. Which of the following describes a typeface? Chapter 13: APA and MLA Documentation and Formatting, Chapter 14: Creating Presentations: Sharing Your Ideas, Chapter 2 Writing Basics: What Makes a Good Sentence?, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. (1 point) On your own sheet of paper, rewrite the following sentence pairs as one sentence using the techniques you have learned in this section. Which of the following sentences best describes readability? If you have to use a complex or strange word you know many of your readers will not understand, you need to define that word for your reader immediately (usually either in that same sentence or the next sentence). Neither of these headlines are all that great, but the second one will likely outperform the first because of the use of the personal pronouns you, my and me.. Theyll just give up long before the final puzzle piece falls into place. If you are writing text for the general public you should aim for a grade level score of around 8. The report is going to be sent to a few industry leaders and potential clients. Many amateur writers think they need to use complicated language to impress their readers. Adapting your message to be well received includes using simple, concise, and tactful language . Thats readability. Since the subject-verb-object pattern is the simplest sentence structure, many writers tend to overuse this technique, which can result in repetitive paragraphs with little sentence variety. Spoke Mandarin at school III. Contrast creates a sense of balance between design elements. LDS. Skilled communicators use the passive voice to It was a period in which many social reforms occurred. Like Flesch-Kincaid, it renders results as a grade level, but in this case with no upper limit. Baby sharks are called pups. Lastly, consider adding some humor to your writing. [2] In Writing for Success by University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. Shakespeares writing is still relevant today. Busy professionals B She then sends it to a subordinate who is working from home. It's okay to use long sentences sometimes. Which of the following best describes a descriptive heading? The right answers are A, D, and B, WED,SEP !% These are the answers for connections as of 2-4-2021, I put in A, D, then B and I got a 3/3 on that lesson. The section of the policy begins by stating that We will not share your personal information outside The Walt Disney Family of Companies except in limited circumstances, including:. A D B!!! Which of the following sentences best describes readability? A D B!!! With increasing limelight on privacy policies, some corporations have tried to make sure their policies are reader-friendly. POP! I PUT THIS ON ALL THE PEOPLE I LOVES LIFE ADB IS CORRECT IF YOU WANT TO FAIL USE ABD BUT IF YOU WANT TO GET 100 WRITE A, for those looking for the 2020 answers, these people are right its: A.D.B. It was very helpful, but I find your points are easier to understand and apply. 3. Im not sure I have it. Sentence variety reduces repetition in a piece of writing and adds emphasis to important points in the text. 5-D I put those three answers and got 100%. Tone. It was a period in which many social reforms occurred. "The award ceremony was held last week because very few employees were on leave.". A He discovered a virus. See Answer More importantly, your readers will find reading your work takes a lot less effort and can be a lot more fun. the average length of your sentences (measured by the number of words), Nobodys got time for jargon and unnecessary buzzwords, Get straight to the point. Take a look at how Naomi might use modifiers in her paragraph. ________ express two or more similar ideas using dissimilar construction. Once you start to study soundbites, it will activate the Reticular Activating System (RAS) and youll start to see them everywhere (just like when you buy a new carand youstart to see that samecarmodel everywhere you go). Jeff snatched at the bread hungrily, polishing off three slices in under a minute. What are the key messages? Ashley introduced her colleague Dan to her husband, Jim. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. Readability is all about how easy or difficult it is to read something. Readability is affected by the difficulty level of words and sentences. This isnt something people want to do, even if theyre familiar with the subject or language youre using. We are first answer choices. People also do not read one word at a time. This compensation may impact how and where products appear on this site (including, for example, the order in which they appear). Warninglid Lane, The hands cant hit what the eyes cant see. Muhammad Ali. Notice how they add additional information to the text and provide a sense of flow to the essay, making it less choppy and more pleasurable to read. Should it be left alone have just received your check, your account is up-to-date received... Phrases can be moved to the beginning of their respective sentences began serving food for hungry travelers in 1930 (... 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which of the following sentences best describes readability