It disappeared behind a low tree-dotted hill. For many years now, the crash site has sparked tales of distressing apparitions. As if the strange lights werent creepy enough, there are reports of a ghostly figure dashing across the road, sometimes shrouded in flames. Business and technology stories from the Canberra region. [32], On 12 August 2020, the day before the 80th anniversary of the crash, Michael Wooldridge, a former Minister of the Australian Government, wrote a revelatory story in The Australian. When Menzies attended a memorial gathering at the site on 12 August 1960, 20 years after the crash, he was seen to be still very emotional in recalling the day. Want the best Canberra news delivered daily? Even during the day the area around the memorial is spooky. You may even see a kookaburra or two. View, Mookie Moo we will have flying trains by then View, Lets hope for a progressive Gov in NSW in March that would see the political angle removed with View, Justin Watson yes perhaps. There are seven seas, seven wonders of the world, seven colours in the rainbow, seven dwarves and the worlds favourite number apparently, seven. Its an interesting place, quite eerie, but this is expected given its remote location, the history of the place, and the stories that circulate about it. [12], The Perth Daily News reported: "The plane was seen by watchers at the Canberra Aerodrome and the Air Force station to circle the drome, and then rise and head south. The plane was not instantly disintegrated upon impact. It may explode and kill you! Ive taken a wrong turn and have reached the boundary of the adjacent military target area (the original access to the memorial). Personally, I think it's only a matter of handling your throttles wisely". When I first read about this legend, I immediately had a mental image of a man who was killed in the crash but didnt realize he was dead. As the myth goes, she has smashed windscreens to get into the car, simply to help those in there, believing them to be part of the Hudson crash. If you stop your car within a certain distance from the guard, your car will stall. Of course, this makes absolutely no sense whatsoever as no nurse died in the rescue attempt and as far as I can ascertain, no WWII nurse has ever died on Mount Ainslie. Its age-old hallways were once lined with hundreds of skulls and today it has at least three known spooks playing havoc in many of the darkened rooms and old cinema. However, during the inquest hearings rumors began circulating that the Air Minister, James Fairbairn was overheard saying that he was hoping to get a chance to fly the plane during this short trip. | | | | | | Later on when they had reached the top of the hill they saw her again sitting on the ground crying. Do the spirits of these men haunt the pine forests and lonely dirt roads that lead to the memorial itself? Just great! The biggest one being, who was flying the plane? But what happened next was a disaster. The site itself is not particularly impressive unless you stop to contemplate the magnitude of what happened here 77 years ago and its effect on our nation in a time of war. Your one-stop destination for the latest Capital region property and real estate news. [24], Based on Mackellar's evidence, Goodwin concluded "I am of the opinion that the men were killed before the plane was burnt". Love your home every day with quality products from Monaro Screens. The Canberra Air Disaster On the morning of August 13, 1940, a Lockheed Hudson, registration number A16-97 was on the way to Canberra from Melbourne. He determined that in each case the "immediate cause of death" was a fractured skull. Australias 16th Prime Minister governed the country from Room 214 during the 1940s and unexpectedly died from a heart attack in this top floor room. Its amazing the effect that a cloak of darkness can have on you. Despite witness descriptions of the vehicle, the driver of the car was never identified. No orbs for me my cameras batteries have inexplicably drained (which apparently is not an uncommon occurrence here). In some circles, the night time trip to the memorial is considered a rite of passage. Once a morgue, the National Film and Sound Archives is heaving with paranormal activity. Air France Flight 4590 The . Wilson used a process of elimination based on the victims' uniforms and positions within the plane. The memorial commemorates a plane crash that occurred in 1940 and killed 10 people, including 4 senior government figures. When I first began researching these legends, I figured that the location probably wasnt haunted, but the more information I uncovered, the more I started to question if maybe it was haunted after all. Visit the darker side of Canberra's past. A journalist until his enlistment in 1916, Gullett became Australia's official war correspondent for the AIF in Palestine in 1918. If you arent occasionally spooked, I reckon you have no imagination. Suggestion is a major reason for individuals experiencing occurances. By day the walk seems harmless, just an uneventful stroll through an ordinary pine forest. Pearl Preview Screening at Dendy Cinema Friday 3 March On the approach to the RAAF airbase at Fairbairn, it lost altitude and crashed through the eucalypt trees into the top of the hill. It is quiet and still, in fact, so much so that one imagines that they can hear sounds, even in the light of day. Who while serving their country lost their lives on this spot in an aircraft accident on 13th August 1940. Suddenly, I hear a rustle behind me. Hey, would you be willing to share your experience for an article I am writing? And yet, thinking back, I am now not so sure. Some of our group also swear they saw a person on the track leading up to the memorial. Expanded menu. This remote and slightly eerie site would make a good setting for a scene in my next book, and I am contemplating a meeting between Clio and Renee occurring here for a number of reasons. The plane immediately burst into flames and while it only took rescuers a couple of minutes to arrive, all ten passengers and crew were beyond hope of rescue. Surrounded by thick vegetation the memorial is simply a large rock sitting on a round bed of gravel. According to an August 14, 1940 article in The Argus Officials who examined the wreckage are certain that it was very little damaged in the landing, and that had the fire not occurred, the occupants would have escaped. It seems perhaps it was easier on the coroner to tell the families of these men that they died instantly from skull fractures, and not that they died a horrible death from smoke inhalation and fire after the initial crash. "For my three colleagues were my close and loyal friends. Like most legends, this legend has various versions, but the most common one is: If you stop your car on the cattle guard, a nurse who was on the scene at the time of the crash helping the wounded will run towards your car and try to get in. Yes, there are. Richard Edwin Elford. With a background of service with Australian forces in South Africa in 190203, White served as Chief of Staff to Generals Bridges and Birdwood during World War I. The site is hemmed in by the pine plantation and some of the native eucalyptus trees that still survive from the time of the accident. The monolith was dedicated on 13 August 1960 in the presence of the Prime Minister, the Hon. Wooldridge discussed the matter with White early in his tenure as a politician, and said that White kept the secret for 50 years, and he did for another 30 years.[33]. By submitting your email address you are agreeing to Region Group's, Exhibition Gallery, National Library of Australia (Parkes Place -Canberra ACT 2600), Canberra Theatre Centre, Civic Square, London Circuit, Canberra, National Museum of Australia Lawson Crescent Acton, ACT 2601, Grass fire sparked near Majura Firing Range, Two people killed in highway crash near Gunning, Man accused of breaking the law one hour after receiving bail, Amaroo man refused bail over allegedly collecting 500,000 files of child abuse, All aboard? Of course, there is only one way to find out. Is it a ghost? Duntroon House Brigadier Geoffrey Street, Minister for the Army and Repatriation. Police believe that Keren was killed elsewhere and then her body was dumped at the memorial site later. An interpretive plaque and concrete traffic island were unveiled in the presence of the Honourable Wilson Tuckey MP, Minister for Regional Services, Territories and Local Government, on 13 August 2003, the anniversary of the crash. The weather was sunny and clear, and people had remarked earlier that morning that it was a perfect day for flying. Whats that got to do with ghosts?? A. F. Aircraftsman Class 1 Charles Joseph Crosdale, R. A. Individually, and as a group, these people are significant figures in . Unfortunately, the torch I had was a feeble, wind-up model and cast little light. The people, places, pets and passions that give our city life. The tragedy assumed the proportions of a national disaster in view of the loss of the chief administrators of Australia`s war effort. Crash claims 10 lives The type of plane involved in the crash, a Lockheed Hudson bomber (Supplied: Gavin Conroy) "I could see the smoke coming over the hill. Here is his chilling account. The stories behind the people and places that make Canberra what it is. She is said to be wearing slightly outdated clothing, with long brown hair that is pulled up. She had been dead for a short while before her body was found, but none of the ground around the guard was disturbed. . Chief of the General Stafff, Lieutenant - Colonel Francis Thornthwaite, DSO, MC No one saw what it was, but there was a 20 cent sized dent left on the bonnet, says Mr Evans who high tailed it out of the forest as fast as he could. Music, festivals, charity events - everything thats happening in the Canberra region. At some point we all became aware of occasional noises coming from scrub it was the sound of someone walking through the bush i.e. Pssst did you know there's more to Enlighten than its signature events? "Anthonie Tonnon Unveils Single 'Lockheed Bomber', National Archives of Australia Fact Sheet 142, National Archive of Australia search for Fairbairn Memorial, National Museum of Australia propeller blade exhibit, Transcript of interview on ABC Stateline Canberra, 22 June 2007,, Flight Lieutenant Robert Edward Hitchcock, This page was last edited on 28 November 2022, at 06:06. Air Crash Investigations / MayDay. But could this possibly be more than just a legend? Is it too soon to get excited about the 2023 Brumbies? Affixed to the rock is a plaque dedicated to the dead. Her parents conducted an exhaustive search and no real leads turned up. The loss of so many men vital to war administration in Australia at the time was a devastating blow. Expert strata, facilitiesand building management services. "Yesterdays" columnist NICHOLE OVERALL looks at the mystery surrounding the crash. Newspaper editorials across the country recognised this. Tritton had told White that he had been allowed access to the crash site itself, and the body of Fairbairn was still strapped into the pilot's seat. A granite monolith marks the site of the crash. One week on, how many drivers have Canberra's new mobile phone detection cameras busted? The road changes from ochre, to grey stone, and back again to ochre as you progress; a steady walk of a kilometre or so, up and down a couple of small hills. The Cabinet was permanently weakened by their loss, and that was a factor undermining Menzies's position in the following months. [11], The Ministers and General White, with their staff, were being flown from Melbourne to Canberra for a Cabinet meeting. Where to eat, what to drink in the Canberra region. If you want more detail, youll just have to sign on to one of Tims ghost tours. Tim makes a nocturnal trip to the memorial of Canberras worst air disaster alone. Just a short distance from the Canberra Airport sits a memorial for an R.A.A.F. Still needing photos of the memorial for my story, I return the next day in daylight. If the supernatural were real, it would be natural. Courtesy National Archives of Australia As we commemorate Armistice Day we remember the WWII service and sacrifice of Strathfield Pilot Officer Richard Frederick Wiesener who died in 1940, aged 29. Pine forests are renowned for being biodiversity deserts and at night that is particularly the case. The monolith was dedicated on 13 August 1960 in the . Air Cdre Charles Clarke crash memorial.jpg 1,360 1,020; 366 KB B-HRX accident monument.JPG 2,048 1,536; 520 KB B24 Bomber crash memorial - - 159929.jpg 640 480; 95 KB Its worth remembering the site isnt that far from the runways of Canberras airport. Finally, on May 13th, 1971, the skeletal remains of Keren Rowland were found at the Canberra Disaster Memorial by a hiker. Not only was this crash a tragedy for all of the family and friends of the men killed, but it was also a tragedy for Australia; the prime minister had just lost some of his closest friends and allies. At the far end a grey metal plaque has been erected on an aerodynamic lectern, its surface weathered by hard Canberra winters. But this alone should not make it more spooky or overwhelming than say the site of a train crash, or a car crash. An officer in the Australian Army from 1910, Thornthwaite was awarded the Distinguished Service Order and Military Cross for his service during World War I. The splat of the paintball guns and the hollers of the revellers seem distinctly out-of-place. Sporting news from the ACT and Capital region. The Air Disaster Memorial Walk is a 2.8km return walk on forest roads from the entrance gate to Fairbairn Pines on Fairbairn Avenue. [Jeff Brownrigg] Air Disaster Memorial Pialligo Avenue Majura ACT 2609 Weve put together a bunch of haunted places in Canberra so you can either freak your friends out, or you simply never go there, ever! It's the 80th anniversary of Canberra's worst air disaster. The cairn commemorates ten people, including three Commonwealth Ministers and the Chief of the General Staff, who were killed in 1940 when their Royal Australian Air Force Lockheed Hudson crashed while circling prior to landing at Fairbairn Airport. The memorial commemorates a plane crash that occurred in 1940 and killed 10 people, including 4 senior government figures. The Air Disaster Memorial is not on Mount Ainslie. The cause of death listed on the death certificates is exactly the same for all of the men: Fractured Skulls. Sign-up now for trusted local news that will never be behind a paywall. Sections of this page. I could hear scuttling from underneath the trees. News and analysis of APS, ACT public sector and diplomatic corp policy, politics and people. Feel free to shout me a beer! links if yr interested in reading more about it Lieutenant Colonel Francis Thornthwaite, Staff Officer to General White. On the evening of February 26, 1971, a 20-year-old woman named Keren Rowland went missing. Are they deluded or deranged? Local Business. He was appointed Minister for Air at the onset of World War II, and regained the Civil Aviation portfolio in 1940. Sporting news from the ACT and Capital region. Hang around long enough and you may just hear very faint whistling (and not from any live lips)! View, Opportunities to acquire skills and improve their chances of successful reintegration into the View, Major events are generally infrequent, scheduled, well managed with a defined finish time and View, We have lots of major events (music and otherwise) that attract interstate visitors and bring in View, And just a little hint for those who might not be aware. Two friendly ghosts remain, and staff at the Mint believe they were once staff members themselves. This columns recent expose on the Air Disaster Memorial (ADM) has promoted a large amount of correspondence, particularly regarding on the sites spooky nature. Then I realise it must be a delayed flight coming in to land (thankfully) safely at Canberra Airport. A. F. Mr. Richard Edwin Elford footsteps, breaking twigs and people talking. The Air Disaster Memorial is dedicated to the memory of those who died when an RAAF Lockheed Hudson aircraft crashed on this site on 13th August 1940. Thick cloud cover blocks out any light provided by the near new moon. Mills advised Goodwin that his jurisdiction was limited to determining the identity of the victims and their cause of death. Subscribe to receive the latest local voices straight to your inbox. | | | | | | Surrounded by dense stands of pines I start to feel hemmed in, almost claustrophobic. [a] However, no evidence of that nature was brought before the inquest. Resolution of conflict withincommunities, workplace, families. The Air Disaster Memorial sits in the Fairbairn pine plantation on the eastern edge of Canberra. And yet, there are still cases that defy explanation. General Sir Cyril White, Chief of the General Staff. The three ministers killed were the Minister of state for the Army, the Minister of State for Air and the Vice President of the Executive Council. The Court of Inquiry into the accident found that it was most likely from the aircraft stalling on its landing approach, resulting in loss of control at a height too low to recover. This 3km loop through the Fairbairn Pine plantation outside of Canberra is a nice trip through dense pine forest with a unique stop along the way at the Air Disaster Memorial. His latest book, WYRD- A Personal Journey Into the Beliefs and Philosophies of the Known and Unknown (CFZ Press Devon England) is now available. [8] The chiefs of staff of the army, navy and air force were also due to be in attendance. A True Ghost Storyby Bobette Bryan, 2016. Live music. Three Commonwealth Ministers and the Chief of the General Staff were travelling from Melbourne to attend a Cabinet meeting. The fatalities included several members of Robert Menzies ministry who were flying to Canberra for an important war cabinet meeting. It would have been very easy to solve the mystery of whether or not Minister Fairbairn had been flying. Maybe thats why ghosts hate cars. Cockpit For All Aircraft. Although a dedicated sceptic and staunch unbeliever in anything supernatural, I HAVE been to a few places where Id be reluctant to spend the night. Be one of the first to see the highly anticipated horror fi Enlighten Festival illuminates with after-dark events, Canberra Craft Beer & Cider Festival will see distilleries added to this years lineup, Mona Farm is hosting a garden-inspired Sunday lunch on the estate, New house-made burger joint opens in Dickson. Thankfully its neither. To this day, almost 50 years later, there have been no arrests in the murder of Keren Rowland, and her death remains unsolved. When the fire department and police arrived on scene they thought that maybe there could be survivors so they sent for the local doctor, Dr. Lewis Nott. Lieutenant - Colonel Francis Thornthwaite, D. S. O., M. C. Flight Lieutenant Robert Edward Hitchcock, R. A. A break in the trees on your left reveals a low cement plinth in the shape of an aeroplane wing stretching toward you. In 1953, the RAAF base at Canberra was renamed Fairbairn Airbase in Fairbairn's honour. Tim the Yowie Man has a key to the ADM and you go there on his Weird Canberra tour. Unlike most other places, this location has more than one legend attached to it. Nah! instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser, Eight destinations that films and TV shows changed forever, From borders to tunnels, here are 10 of the world's astonishingly long things. Youre correct. Your one-stop destination for the latest Capital region property and real estate news. Expert strata, facilitiesand building management services. Theyre always anonymously shared in the vaguest of terms. Business and technology stories from the Canberra region. On top of that, there are regular sightings of a young girl flitting through the gardens or standing on the veranda of the rubble stone cottage. Menzies sent Tritton to the crash site to find out the details. The area became known as a popular make-out spot before the road leading to the memorial was closed. Vandalism or public liability perhaps? Your ultimate guide to dining, nightlife, entertainment, wineries, style and events in the capital. The Air Disaster Memorial and other Canberra spooky places have been discussed previously on RiotACT here, here and here. For many years now, the crash site has sparked tales of distressing apparitions. Visitors to the heritage-listed cottage on the edge of Lake Burley Griffin swear they often smell burnt flesh on the breeze. The latest news as it happens from Canberra and the surrounding region. Affixed to the rock is a plaque dedicated to the dead. Behind, is the older memorial, erected on the site of the crash in 1960; a single monolith of stone with a metal plaque. On board were 6 government officials and 4 crew members who all perished in the crash.It is alleged that the crash site is one of Canberra's most haunted sites so of course I had to go and check it out.Airmen on fire have been sighted.Ghostly figures have been also been seen darting across the pathways, disembodied footsteps and even the sound of a phantom plane crash have all been witnessed.What I wasn't prepared for was the epic hike to get to it.. so I sucked it up and took my time.Was it sabotage?Or was it an accident?Who knows.You can see some light anomolies captured after the 16 minute mark, after the spirit box session. Army and Repatriation key to the memorial itself were travelling from Melbourne to attend a meeting!, thinking back, I am writing pulled up Cabinet meeting to Fairbairn Pines on Fairbairn.! 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