The information on this website has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. Arm & Hammer was used in this protocol.). Exercise is also another good way to aid in the removal of toxins. It is written as a diary of amounts and effects of taking this cure and gives full and detailed description of the molasses/bicarb remedy, together with a day by day diary or log by the cancer participant who had Stage Three prostate and bone cancer(he completely cured himself in 9 days). The fuel oil was later found to be reprocessed motor oil and thus contained tetra ethyl lead. ", Mayo Clinic: Bone HealthTips to Keep Your Bones Healthy," "Iron Deficiency Anemia. The bottom line is that the state of California has come up with their own list of chemicals and thresholds that they believe could be harmful. First, let's take a look at the different types of molasses you might be surprised to find out there are three different varieties, and each has its own distinct taste and use. !.AT LEAST 2 big spoons a day, the few first days was stable, but after like a week, I increased my weight almost at 70% more then use to be! It is generally helpful for the health of the colon and for treating both menstruation and menopause, partly because it is such a good source of both calcium and iron. Good luck. It's the dark, syrup from the juice, known as molasses, that contains all the goodness absorbed by the plant. But what happens to your body when you drink molasses every day? Blackstrap molasses warning Consuming this product can be dangerous since it can expose someone to chemicals. Stick to organic and chemical-free versions of everything that you can! It's said to combat stress, relieve PMS and promote skin health. However, since these containa small but significant amount of magnesium, they should not be used while flushingduring the last 2-3 weeks before harvest. Apparently, this cancer cure works exactly the same if you use molasses and Sodium Bicarbonate. Other health benefits of blackstrap molasses include the following: It can help prevent anemia. The National Cancer Institute indicates that free radicals are formed naturally in the body and play an important role in many normal cellular processes. 1. Blackstrap Molasses contains vitamin B6, iron, calcium, magnesium and . Content may not be reproduced in any form. According to the article I have provided, iodoral iodine will also shrink cancer tumors when taken as a supplement. Posted by Laura (Wisconsin) on 10/24/2020, Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 12/31/2009, Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 10/31/2009, Alkalize, Antioxidant, Chlorophyll Protocol (1, Essiac, Turmeric, Famotidine, Diphenhydramine (1, Garlic, Cayenne, Chili, Iodine, Baking Soda, Tomato Juice, Maple Syrup, Baking Soda, Magnesium, Iodine, utm_campaign=eastern-medicine&utm_medium=social&utm_source=fb-ttac&utm_content=bloodroot&a_aid=59c13831797bc&fbclid=IwAR2JCsc1FvnowI3Uoc15Vgnb1m5L6woKt9x27hYF_z0mxt5iNJt6AaKXq-c, protocol,,,,,, Mix 3 parts molasses and 1 part baking soda in a double boiler, heat till combined and tastes pleasant. Sulfured varieties are more likely to be less sweet than unsulfured varieties. Productos Aditivos | KEMTIA | QFine-Synthesis. If left untreated, this type of anemia can lead to extreme fatigue, weakness, or shortness of breath.. Thank you to brave legend. It is also high in antioxidants. 7-Eleven and some other companies have already settled out of court, agreeing to pay fines and place warning signs at the point of sale. What causes seeds in buds while growing cannabis? I just had to come in here to say that one of the things that fuel cancers is sugar! My dear sweet wife is suffering from Breast Cancer that metastasized to her bones. When does it start to smell when growing weed? According to Botanicare: The natural esters in Sweet are easily absorbed by the plant, but are not broken down further once deposited within the plant tissue. I found the book thru Walmart online. It has the consistency of a thick syrup, as the third boiling of sugar syrup yields blackstrap molasses. Unsulfured molasses comes from fully mature sugarcane in which the cane juice is already concentrated. You can google Joe Tippens and read about how he cured himself with dewormer. We can get this syrup by boiling it a third time. Prop. Also, your lips may tingle and you may get Oxygen Euphoria and even a slight headache. so i tried putting 1/2 a teaspoon in my daily smoothie! I looked it up and the book is called Cured: Strengthen Your Immune System by Jeffrey Rediger MD. Cannabis Grow Guide: How to Keep Electricity Costs Down, 3-Step Guide: Choose Best Cannabis Grow Light. Pure sorghum, for example, is sometimes referred to as sorghum molasses and is often confused with blackstrap molasses. A single tablespoon of blackstrap molasses contains 10% of the calcium you need each day. For centuries, it was the most popular form of sweetener, in part because it was far more affordable than refined sugar. Producers repeat this process over and over again, and each time, a divergent type of molasses is formed. I am sorry to bother you but can you please confirm if this is the book you gave your friends. I am sorry to hear what you and family are going through. It's the thickest of the three and contains vitamins and minerals like iron, calcium, and magnesium, leading health experts to believe blackstrap molasses may hold great health benefits. Yong, Yong W: So hurt you are dealing with this. so i tried taking it again with similar side effects and had to stop. That first boiling produces white refined sugar as well as a cane syrup, which can be made into a sweeter baking molasses. This doctor was on the George Noory radio show one night. What is the difference between blackstrap molasses and Grandma's molasses? I would advise you to search for a few books on cancer. To meet Food Chemicals Codex standards, food must contain not more than 10 ppm lead. Right now my husband and I are ok and there are no such problems in the family but my reason for reading these books is that it is better to have the information before the crisis strikes. Having lost my mother to cancer 5 years ago, I only wish we could have known about some of these latest findings & I wonder if they could have changed it's course Best of healing to you! Moreover, when molasses is added to your daily diet, be it in a warm beverage (or if you're brave, straight from the jar), it can help keep your bones healthy. Unsulphured. Read my comment to John H, as well as the other comments.Also, do not allow yourself to be jabbed with any 'shots or [emailprotected]$'. I found the therapy BodyTalk to be an amazingly effective modality. I have personally treated cancer with a product called Protocel. Stir it up and drink it. He is ok now but has it genetically. Good luck, sending healing energy your way. It worked on her. See my posts on ph and cancer a little after. Baking soda and food grade hydrogen peroxide are logical choices to take daily in your drinking water with any type of cancer. so i stopped after 2 days. (2) Since calcium and magnesium are both involved in maintaining good bone health, (11) blackstrap molasses can be used to reduce the risk of osteoporosis and maintain healthy bones. The sugar content of light and dark, according to Serious Eats, is about 70 percent, while the bitter blackstrap molasses contains about 45 percent sugar. You should take a high dosage of potassium daily with this cure. Why do some buds turn purple? If you're concerned about your blood sugar, an alternative to blackstrap molasses is Stevia. Blackstrap molasses has shown remarkable improvements in hair problems in both males and females. 6 pm, pee on urine pH strip. Back in the day, if you had tummy troubles, molasses was used as a remedy. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. In the process of refining the cane, the juice is pressed from the plant, then boiled to make refined sugar crystals. Blackstrap Molasses is used infrequently for direct firing and is quite high in potassium content. hi all, i have been takin 2tbls of bsm and have just stopped as my skin on my face looked like it was aging and dry i no it has a lot of sugar in it and i was just wonderin if anyone sle had same problem, im a bit dissapointed as i really liked it, would love to hear if anyone else had similar problems, cheers. I can't speak to the remedy that you mentioned, but I would like to mention the use of melatonin in both breast cancer and bone cancer as well as its anti metastasis effects. You can search earthclinic and other on-line resources for info and suggestions on the importance of this aspect of healing. That said, it may help steady blood sugar levels in healthy adults on a high carb diet. Learn how Earth Clinic readers used baking soda and blackstrap molasses to treat cancer. The World Health Organization has stated that profound levels of acrylamide in foods are a major concern and a major risk for cancer development. Cure: A Journey into the Science of Mind Over Body. Answer to Natalie from West Palm Beach for natural cures for cancer. Can Nutrients Make Your Weed Grow Faster? Let me know if you have any other questions. What are the risks if any trying this, is that known? If blackstrap molasses is found being sold in California without this warning, anyone can bring a lawsuit against the manufacture which has happened to almost every brand and maker of blackstrap molasses. He'd originally started with some med. The side effects that you experienced was that the BSM caused a cleansing action of your body attempting the removal of toxic matter in your systems. I wrote yesterday about having hives which I attribute to taking molasses. (Arm & Hammer is supposedly aluminum free also. This is the syrup we get after the turn of the second boiling. The sugarcane used in sulfured molasses does not have as much time to mature and may require the addition of sulfur dioxide as a preservative, which can impact people with allergies to some preservatives. Took supplements Vitamin D, K, C-complex, B-complex, CQ10, Magnesium, and Omega 3. Blackstrap molasses is a high nutrient food commonly taken to help with anemia, heart health, increase in energy, gray hair reduction, headaches, hot flashes and restless leg syndrome. 10) On day 12, if you believe you're cured, you can stop taking the BAKING SODA CURE. All rights reserved. So to sum it up, blackstrap molasses has not changed and we are not adding any lead. Because of its low glycemic index (GI), blackstrap molasses is said to help decrease the glycemic index (GI) of high-carbohydrate meals. Adults with higher levels of calcium tend to have better bone density and are less likely to develop osteoporosis. Some coals used for direct-firing may lead to contamination of products with H 2S and SO 2. 14% RDI for potassium. Blackstrap molasses, in particular, offers several health benefits alongside its rich, complex flavor., Molasses took Europe by storm following the conquest of the West Indies. Bottom line: While more comprehensive research is probably needed to make a sweeping declarative, it does seem that molasses can be a beneficial daily supplement for your health and well-being. Since many of us have different health situations going on in our bodies, you may have to do a baking soda drink without the molasses. (many small meals instead of 3 large) Organic juicing. The refined pure white and brown sugar is taken out, while the by-product is molasses. The link to this remarkable story is here: March 15, 2017 3:24 PM By En Passant The statement that licorice flavored candies contain lead comes from the Centers for Environmental Health. She also went on a organic healthy Mediterranean Diet, applied deep breathing exercise and Tai Chi to de- stress. 1) Buy Arm & Hammer Baking Soda OR Bob's Red Mill Aluminum Free Baking Soda. Litmus paper may also be used along with the strips. To learn more about our cookies, how we use them and their benefits, please read our Privacy Policy, Posted by Dianna (Austin, Tx) on 03/18/2009, Posted by Hupee (Austin, TX, USA) on 02/15/2009, Posted by Helen (Long Island, NY) on 02/05/2009, Posted by Fee (Melbourne , Victoria) on 10/01/2008, Posted by Annie (Melbourne, Australia) on 03/05/2008, Posted by Sania (Delhi, India) on 03/01/2008, Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses, Baking Soda, Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Mollases, Arginine, Bath Remedies That Shouldn't Be Mixed Together. Some readers report that it helps with their dogs' arthritis! No matter how good the supplements or treatment, one must address trauma from life events. The current fuel crisis has created a potential problem area which could have broad ramifications in the field of food and drug manufacturing. One tablespoon of the dark goodness adds 58 calories to your diet, mostly from sugar. So I searched for evidence of other possible natural sugar sources being used with Sodium bicarbonate within a cure. Which would build up her immune system and energy. You can use things like fresh berries and melons, as well as applesauce and bananas. Is close to 9, so, Stir one teaspoon of blackstrap molasses into water. She is now clear and doing well. However, it still contains a high level of sugar that can be harmful when consumed in excess. Molasses is a thick dark brown syrup that people consume as a sweetener. Blackstrap Molasses. Here is an important quote from the study: >>> ' Melatonin exerts its oncostatic effect by inhibiting angiogenesis, preventing cancer spread and growth, and improving the sensitivity of cancer cells to radiation and chemotherapy in both prostate and breast cancer. ' Prop 65 warning on molasses packaging Summary You may hear claims that blackstrap molasses. But taking potassium daily while on this BAKING SODA CURE should lessen your loss of energy. The only challenge we have to face often is finding the correct alternatives that can change our taste. This changed in the early 1900s, when the price of white sugar dropped. EC: Thank you for the update! One man claims he has found a cure for cancer and actually successfully treated his own by using baking soda. My sister-in-law has endometrial cancer and in her pelvic bone. They're both owned by Honeytree, and I was sent identical nutrition information for both. Because antioxidants help protect your cells from damage from free radicals that result when your body breaks down food. Stir one teaspoon of blackstrap molasses into water. In addition, it contains a high amount of magnesium, which helps absorb calcium in the body, eventually resulting in better bone health. Thicker and darker than other types of molasses, it has a slightly bitter flavor.. This is expected. Please provide the author(s) name and more identifiable info of the book you are referring to as there are several different possibilities Can hydrogen peroxide speed up the process? Alternatives to Molasses It is a useful remedy to treat acne and eczema. I am very concerned as I was expecting to be cured. Milly, Is the book you are referring to CURE: A Journey into the Science of Mind over Body? Look up 'How I Cured My Dog From Cancer' on Youtube. It's part ofPadma Lakshi's secret ingredient to kick up flavor in her food and some people even think it may help relieve digestive issues. This very timely topic stimulated additional comments which we take the liberty of adding below. It says shrinkage was seen as early as six weeks. ----*DEIO/Investigations Branch HFC- 132*. Is acrylamide found in molasses? You can combine blackstrap molasses with iron-rich foods to maximize your iron intake. He has written many articles that you can probably read online, and has published several books. Here is a relevant quote from the study : >>> ' We highlighted the underlying mechanism of anti-osteosarcoma properties evoked by melatonin, including antioxidant activity, anti-proliferation, induction of apoptosis, and the inhibition of invasion and metastasis. The packaging of molasses develops the awakening call for the consumers as we are aware of the fact that molasses contains heavy and lengthy metals like copper, iron, arsenic, and zinc. It is part of a treatment to prevent and fight some kinds of cancer. These should be used throughout the flowering stage to help build smell/flavor in the buds as they mature. That said, downing a tablespoon of molasses may not be everyone's thing. People usually include it in baking. I realize your post was more than 12 yeas ago, I just had to comment. Although researchers have not studied the effects of molasses on the heart in humans. This greatly reduces the chance of getting unexpected reactions between the different products. Look for acidic brain On day 9 or 10 of this dosage, you may get night sweats. When even this fuel became scarce, a supply of fuel oil said to be equivalent to #3 diesel was purchased and blended with #2 diesel to obtain the required viscosity for proper combustion in the firm's kilns. You can Google coffee and Prop 65 for reference. Earth Clinic readers have also been delighted to find that it can be helpful for pets, too. ). 5. If you're cancer free, it is advisable to use 2 teaspoons baking soda and only one teaspoon molasses/syrup in 1 cup of water once or twice daily for 7 days: I.e., if you're only trying to raise your pH to the alkaline range of 7.2 - 7.5. I had a scan in September and showed clear. Molasses offer a plant-based source of iron, unlike the meat-based iron resource most of the world's population uses to eat. Hair loss is majorly associated with vitamin and mineral deficiency in the body. I had used molasses for uterine fibroids. For more information go to Don't use a microwave! High-antioxidant foods, like blackstrap molasses, help reduce free radicals in the body, which are believed to be the primary cause of cancer. <<<. If you could take smaller amounts as you found this works well, it slows down the toxic overload, drink lots of water, 2-3 qts a day helps remove toxins easier. Another cool thing about these supplements is they contain amino acids and some other enhancers, so its kind of like getting a lot of different products at once. These include nuts, seeds, and dairy products. Light molasses is most commonly used as a sweetener for baking, while dark molasses is the byproduct from the second boiling cycle of sugarcane. Natalie, I can fully understand how you feel, my mother died of breast cancer 12 years ago. As others will suggest a nutrient rich simple diet with adequate protein. so i figured maybe just taking it directly in coffee was what was the problem. The glycemic index measures how rapidly selected foods upgrade blood sugar levels. Where is it legal to grow weed in the USA? It can make osteoporosis less likely. i have seen this label even on organic molasses from Paraguay (Aunt Patty's): "Warning: Consuming this product can expose you to chemicals including lead, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other Dear Ruthie, please look into High Dose +50 grams Vit C IV's, Vit B17 (bitter apricot kernels), pure spirit of turpentine, high pH water (Iceland brand). We can take this as a precautional activity done by the companies. If. It should be used in moderation, especially for people with diabetes. The Molasses/Sodium Bicarbonate Cancer Cure(Works like The Maple Syrup/Bicarb Cure). California requires a warning label on food items that contain lead or acrylamide, Molasses naturally contain trace amounts of lead and acrylamide, However, there is zero evidence that molasses causes cancer, often contain unlisted ingredients (including plant hormones). Blackstrap molasses is a byproduct of sugarcane. Why Does Blackstrap Molasses Have Cancer Warning? The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely. Producers can also make molasses from sorghum, pomegranates, carob, and dates. Today, there are even more benefits related to molasses. Raw ingredients analysis revealed that the source of the contamination was calcium oxide. 50+ Fun Gift Ideas for Cannabis Growers (2022), Where is it legal to grow weed in the USA? Another thing that is vital in order to recover, regardless of which treatments you pursue, is to address the mental, emotional & spiritual aspects of life. What is fertigation and is it good for cannabis plants? Earth Clinic readers report a variety of side effects from using blackstrap molasses including cramping and diarrhea, hives, increase in mucous, sugar cravings and increase in blood sugar. We all want variety in our meals, the organic ingredients make us love our food more. Stabilizer of blood sugar levels. Blackstrap molasses is known to contain a significant amount of micronutrients including calcium, magnesium, iron and manganese. Hi Jocelyn, the book is called CURED, author is Jeffrey Rediger MD. Stevia or Monkfruit should be used instead. The Los Angeles judge ruled that companies failed to demonstrate that the health benefits of coffee outweighed the risks posed by acrylamide, which include cancer and developmental and reproductive harm. Fast forward to the present day, and a health-conscious population may be pushing molasses back into the throes of popularity. In addition to calcium, molasses is rich inB vitamins, particularly B6, as well as magnesium. I was so desperate that I remembered garlic was so good for so many things, what did I have to lose. The substitute for sugar is molasses. The resulting product has the least amount of sugar content and, as a result, is the least fermentable. Earth Clinic readers have also been delighted to find that it can be helpful for pets, too. If you get stuck go to the garden of eden Texas, ask Quinn amazing man there who feeds 55k homeless people a year, he knows what to do, it's his land and community there.